Kindergarten – K4

K4 is specifically designed for students who will have their fourth birthday before September 30th. This allows our four-year old students to begin the transition into Kindergarten. The curriculum materials offer the “best of both worlds”. Our students review the Grandma’s House curriculum to be certain they have a solid foundation on which to build their Kindergarten experience.

ALIS K4 begins and ends each day with circle time. This is when students and teachers can greet each other, and start or end the class with prayer, singing, and discussion of the day’s events. Learning at this stage of a child’s development must be primarily accomplished through play. Phonics, letter recognition, shapes, recognition of written numbers and number concept, counting, calendar time and much, much more is presented through discovery centers, hands-on experiences, and group play.

A major emphasis of our program is to help students develop strong moral values. We believe it is of the utmost importance to make this a positive experience.

Kindergarten – K5

At ALIS, K5 is the time we provide children who will be five years old before September 30th, with the opportunity to learn English in a rich environment where their language skills are expanded. At this level the students have a clear understanding of phonics. This enables the children to read and properly pronounce almost any word written in English. The students are introduced to our library filled with age appropriate books. Imagine the excitement when the children realize they can read.

At this stage, K5 students will have one Chinese Language class and one Khmer Language Class each day.

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