Preschool (Grandma’s House): Ages 2 and 3

At Grandma’s House the “grandchildren” achieve excellence in a safe, loving environment. It has been proven that children learn best through play and discovery. Grandma’s House provides the students with a challenging curriculum, never forgetting that a child’s life should be filled with laughter and fun. To that end, we have indoor and outdoor play structures, educational games, crafts and activities that make learning fun. Of course, children enjoy learning through videos, so each of our facilities has “Grandma’s Theater” where students enjoy educational videos on Grandma’s big screen plasma TV.


ALIS Grandma’s House focuses on the following six areas of development:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We aim to provide opportunities and activities for the children to feel valued so that both a strong self-image and self-esteem are promoted.

Communication, Language and Literacy

In this area of learning, the children are provided with opportunities to communicate with both adults and their classmates, to practice and extend their range of vocabulary and communication.

Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy

In order to develop their understanding and awareness of numbers, children are provided with opportunities to look at measurements, patterns, shapes and numbers themselves. Through songs, practical and written activities, they gain an understanding of qualities, counting, number recognition and the mathematical language needed to work with and solve simple problems.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Our children are encouraged to explore and find out about their environment, people and places.  Using these experiences, they are then provided with opportunities to make decisions, experiment, plan and question.

Creative Development

In this area of development, the children are provided with opportunities to explore and share thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of creative activities.

Physical Development

At ALIS, children are provided with opportunities to develop and practice fine and gross motor skills. They are encouraged to work with gym apparatus and sports equipment to develop confidence, hand eye coordination and control, both indoors and out.

ALIS Grandma’s House incorporates these six areas of development in all activities and also uses them as a basis for ongoing student assessments.

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